
Tabs and Dual Panel
Tabbed and Dual Panel file management.

Quick commands
Copy Path, Attributes, Contents, Workspace, New Terminal Here, New File, Copy to, Move to, Compress / Expand to, Delete permanently, Hide Desktop, etc.

Cut and Paste
Press Command + X to cut, press Command + P to paste.
Natural Cut and Paste experience.

Copying Queue
Copy and move files one by one, no matter how many times you press Copy/Cut/Paste shortcut without waiting for previous operations to complete.

Folders on top
Keep folders above of files.
For all sort types.

Automatically adjust width of columns
To see complete file name of all files without manually adjust column width.

Enhanced Appeareance
Pretty label drawing like legacy Finder. Full row label.
Custom coloring. Colorful icons in Sidebar. Transparent window.

Many more
Press Enter or Return to open selection.
Middle-click to open folder in new window or new tab.
Shift-Select in Icons View
Display folder's item count in List view.
Display size of selected items in Status Bar.